
Actuar en español

Read more about Actuar en Espanol Program

Starting :
September 2025

Open to students aged 17 and over,
following a workshop or audition


Professional Acting Training in Spanish

Why choose this program?

  • Discover the unique blend of Cours Florent's pedagogy with a fully immersive Spanish language training program.
  • Train with professional actors : all teachers at Cours Florent are acting professionals. Teachers of the Spanish section are all native or fluent in Spanish.
  • Explore the richness of Hispanic and Latin American répertoires.

Organization of Studies

The year is divided into 3 modules : 

  • Module 1 : Contemporary explorations - students explore the driving forces behind theatrical creation ; they  become familiar with contemporary texts and begin their investigation of the realistic style
  • Module 2: Dramaturgies - students explore the concept of ‘damaturgies’, as used in certain approaches of Latin American theatre (the dramaturgy of the performer, of staging, of space, of lighting, etc.) by working on classical and modern theatre scenes.
  • Module 3 : Collective creations - students prepare a public performance, in Spanish. The module comprises a journey through a complete play, including dramaturgical research, combining several disciplines such as singing, dancing and music

Main program focus : 

  • Experience dramatic interpretation 
  • Explore physical expression 
  • Work on vocal techniques and diction 
  • Stimulate imagination and creativity
  • Practice Improvisations
  • Acquire autonomy in artistic research
  • Understand theatrical expression as a collective and team act
  • Experience performing in Spanish in front of an audience
  • Increase familiarity with classic and contemporary Spanish dramatic literature

After successfully completing the program, students receive a Cours Florent certificate. 

Customize your studies

Enroll in extra workshops and technical classes in English or in French to expand your acting toolkit ! Choose from improvisation, voice work, movement, and more, tailoring your training to suit your artistic preferences.

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To apply to the program Acting in Spanish/ Actuar: 

Admission Process